The Path of Epiphany

Love them all. Love all of them. If there is a single exception in your heart right now, shine the light of your loving consciousness there. Heal the wound your painful experience left behind. Heal the wound and love the person. See your own divine radiance reflected in their face. Transform the cycle of pain…

The Hero Archetype

“Why is it that I think I need to rescue heroes?” she laughed… Then she cried. The pattern in several failed attempts at romance was suddenly crystal clear. She kept falling for heroes. The problem was, she wasn’t a damsel in distress. I told her that rescuing heros is just another version of a hero…

Mother’s Love

Allow mother-love to soften your heart. A mother’s love is the most powerful force on the planet. Its sweetness, tenderness, and loving kindness are unfathomably deep. For humans who have completely separated themselves from their own higher states of consciousness, mother-love continues to shine thorough so strongly, it can be felt through the veil, even…


A prophesy is a story. Most people are familiar with prophesy as a prediction of future events. But prophesy is also described as “religious instruction”. Nobody really knows where prophesy comes from, as these stories bend scientific rules pertaining to the nature of space and time. Some prophetic transmissions are received verbally. Others come through…

True Gift of the Holiday Season

Create space for contemplation. Even if it means setting your alarm 20 minutes earlier, create space to honor and celebrate that which is divine within you. You are sacred, sweet soul. The very essence of your being is tender, wise, playful and kind. The joy you seek outwardly is found inside first. Cultivate that joy.…

Surrender to Nature

Nature. Soft, soothing, sweet, gentle, silent. Nature. Violent, immovable, unrelenting, turbulent, wild. Nature is not only a perfect metaphor for the diverse experiences of this human life, it is the catalyst to synthesize all these diverse aspects of human nature… or nature within the human. Surrender to nature – outside and within. Surrender to the…

The Earth Remembers

Fall into my arms. Relax into the sweetness of my embrace. Feel the warmth of my love in the sunshine as it caresses your skin. Feel my tender kisses on your face as the raindrops dampen your cheeks. All of nature rises to offer signs of love, signs that you are seen, signs that you…

True Power Lies In Surrender

True power lies in surrender. Surrender to the love that is around you now. Do you realize how much effort you’ve been expending to keep the truth of that love away? All your struggle, all your pain, all your aching, your yearning for things which have not yet manifest, are keeping the truth of the…

You Are Called To Rise

Expand beyond the place of judgement. Expand beyond perceptions of lack and limitation. Expand beyond the feeling you’ve been wronged by anyone or anything. Expand into that place of inner knowing where all is well, all is as it should be, all is as it was ever meant to be. You are safe. You are…