Create Space for Kindness

By leaving room in your day for kindness, you create space for miracles. Even if that just means being present during your time in the car, set aside your cares and worries, allowing grace to fill those precious moments. Allowing for grace is not only an act of self-kindness, providing opportunity to recharge your battery,…


Sweet sisters and brothers, we were meant to hold hands. Like children playing at the playground, we were meant to play together, laugh together, cry together, dance together, and sing together, living in community. In disconnection, we feel great sadness. Come together now in union. Gather around a fire. Tell your stories. Sing your songs.…

Your Unique Vibrational Signature

There is holiness in this moment. Can you feel it? Can you hear the sacred hum, the buzz of energy liquifying the air around you as it condenses into something more solid than the air just beyond your field of energy? This unique vibrational signature is the purest version of you, unblemished by your ego,…

Struggle and Sacrifice are Unnecessary

Sometimes you are tempted to believe that stress is necessary. It is not. Sometimes you are tempted to believe that success needs to be earned with sacrifice. It does not. Sometimes you are tempted to believe that lack and limitation are holy. They are not. These are all stories associated with an old version of…

Choose Play

We know you are feeling conflicted. Your tender heart is so beautiful to us. Rest. Close your eyes. Relax into the space of not knowing. Relax into the place of “in between”, the knowing and not knowing. Soon all will be made clear. There is nothing different you need to be doing. The path has…

Finding Treasure in Playful Rest

Set aside time for restful play. Engage your playful spirit. But instead of using playfulness in its active form to exercise and move your beautiful body, use a passive form of play to open your heart center, engaging with self, soul and other.  Playfulness is a connective energy that elicits positive feelings of expectation, surprise…

Your Words Create

You are everything. There is nothing you are not. You are the ending, the beginning and the space between. The space between breaths, the space between heartbeats, the space between an inception of a desire and its fulfillment – you are the creative energy, the force that calls your own soul to action, the catalyst…

Path to Peace

Joy. The purpose of your life is joy. Your path is joy is to play. The freedom to play is your birthright as a conscious creator on this magnificent planet. Look at the many avenues to joy – the many ways you can experience pleasure on this lovely planet.  There are so many things here…

Leading Edge of Consciousness

Riding the wave of consciousness is exhilarating. The experience of being at the very leading edge of expansion of all-that-is fuels our passion to connect with humans and accelerates the expansion. It is not uncommon for humans to feel disoriented by the speed of the expansion they are playing a role in bringing to fruition.…