Every human being deals with fear. Fear is at the root of unfulfilling relationships, financial stress, physical ailments, envy, and the nagging suspicion that we’re just not… enough. Not smart enough, not attractive enough, not rich enough, not brave enough, not strong enough.

Motivational / inspirational books help. Podcasts help. Coaching and traditional therapy help. But often, nothing really gets to the core of your unique underlying belief systems, which were formulated by your own unique life experiences. Those underlying belief systems govern your fears, contribute to your triggers, and subconsciously modulate your thought patterns and behaviors.

Through fear coaching, you will come to understand that in order to be something different, you need to do something different. An expeditionary retreat is a highly effective option, as it expands the psyche, offering a fresh perspective. Combining the ceremonial use of psychedelics with immersion in nature, an expeditionary retreat encourages clients “put their ego on the shelf” and come to a new awareness of self-limiting beliefs have been impacting their lives.

What would it be like to be free from the fears that are holding you back?

Freedom is the ability to move through this life experience without lack or limitation. Freedom is your natural state of being. It is your birthright as the boundless, limitless creator of your life experience.

Your dreams, your unique desires, are sacred. They were written on your heart by a soul that has virtually limitless potential. There is nothing standing between you and absolutely anything you desire.

Any perceived roadblock is simply an illusion. These roadblocks are all smoke and mirrors, fabricated by fear. And fear is NOT limitless. You can get to the bottom if it. You can get to the end of it. Because fear, my friend, is finite.

So you, as an infinite being, are far greater than fear, which is finite. As a fear coach, I will help you identify and overcome fear by helping you understand:

    1. Fear is preventing you from living your best life. Left unchecked, chronic fear contributes to anxiety, depression and feelings of unworthiness. It feeds the lie that you are less than you really are. It steals your power. Dealing with fear and self-limiting beliefs is one of the most powerful things you can do to take your life back.
    2. Dealing with fear in one area of life makes it easier to address in other areas. The exercises are transferable. And the more you practice, the easier it gets. Identifying fear becomes a habit.
    3. Fear is a choice. Many people defend their fear. They provide evidence as to why their fear is real. But the only rational fear is fear that is actionable. If action cannot be taken to mitigate the circumstances contributing to fear, the only logical choice is to release it.
    4. Fear is a teacher. As counterintuitive as it sounds, your fear is most likely intertwined with your life’s purpose. The nature of that fear is like the arrow on a compass, pointing the direction toward the path you are destined to follow. The path through fear is the hero’s journey. The courage required to follow that path is its own reward.
    5. Fear needs to be named. It needs to be identified. But like an iceberg, 90% of fear lies below the surface of consciousness. These hidden fears contribute to the majority of your self-limiting beliefs. Fear coaching helps to identify these hidden fears, calling to them by name, so they can be addressed in the open.
    6. It’s easier to deal with fear with a coach by your side.

Maybe you feel unsafe financially. Maybe you’ve gone through a divorce and have no idea where to turn. Maybe you’re dealing with a frightening health diagnosis. Or maybe you just have the nagging suspicion you are capable of living a more purposeful, loving life, but you have no idea how to get there.

Whatever situation is creating “stuck-ness”, an expeditionary retreat provides illumination that might otherwise take years to achieve. Join me for what may be one of the most transformative journeys of your life.