Your Challenge Is The Gift

Have faith that all is well. Know that right now, in this very moment, events are conspiring on your behalf. The stars are aligned to create magic as your deepest desires manifest easily and effortlessly in physical form. The hard part is over, dear one. The foundation has been laid. Your dedication to visualizing the…


Sweet sisters and brothers, you are meant to hold hands. In disconnection, you feel great sadness. Like children playing at the playground, you are meant to play together, laugh together, cry together, dance together, and sing together, living in community. Come together now in union. Gather around a fire. Tell your stories. Sing your songs.…

Time of Expansion

It’s not your job to keep the universe spiraling. That is my work and it happens without your intervention. Similarly, there are mountains being moved on your behalf that are beyond your awareness. Even now, events are conspiring for your greater good and the greater good of All-That-Is. However, your role in these events is…

System Upgrades

Do you know you are standing at the very brink of greatness? All that you desire is lined up at your feet, waiting for you to open your eyes and become aware of the beauty that is right there in front of you.  It took many centuries, many generations of universal collaboration, for you to…

Your Future Is Assured

Be at peace. Your future is assured. Rest secure in the knowledge that all is well. Could it ever be otherwise? Your blessing is secure. Everything is now transpiring for your highest and greatest good. Open and allow these blessings to flow to you with ease, filling your heart with surprise and delight in the…