
Have you ever wondered what would happen if people only consumed what their bodies needed? In Western societies where food is abundant, people would dramatically decrease their consumption of food, leading to less freighters on the oceans, less airplanes in the sky, less trucks on the freeways, less heavy machinery in the fields, less pesticides…

Can You Feel The Magic?

“Can you feel the magic?” These are the words the wind is whispering as it gently touches your cheek. This is the light pressing against your eyelids as you turn your face towards the sun. This is the deep peace caressing every skin cell when your body is immersed in water. Can you feel the…

The Need to Feel Special

Kindness means taking the time to listen – not only to others, but to your own heart. So often, you and those around you seek external validation. You desperately long to feel special. You desperately need to be seen. But the validation you seek will just leave you hungry for more when validation comes from…

Share Stories

The good in me sees, witnesses and acknowledges the good in you. This is the essence of the namaskar, the greeting of “namaste”. The heart that is capable of truly seeing another human being is rare. Your minds are often too distracted by your own needs, wants, and agendas to hold space for the needs,…


What you do for one, you do for many. The kindness you offer to one person, one plant or one animal, radiates through all of creation in a vibrational wave of communion. There is no such thing as a wasted deed. Though it may seem that a kind act or word falls on deaf ears,…

Color Your Life With Love

Have faith, precious one. When you feel darkness, loneliness, despair, or just lack clarity, have faith that all is well. Events are unfolding precisely as they are meant to unfold. And our timing – both yours and mine – is perfect. There is nothing that has been left undone. There are no words that have…


Sweet sisters and brothers, you are meant to hold hands. In disconnection, you feel great sadness. Like children playing at the playground, you are meant to play together, laugh together, cry together, dance together, and sing together, living in community. Come together now in union. Gather around a fire. Tell your stories. Sing your songs.…


The joy and delight at the unfolding of your delicious life experience is so precious. The gift you have opened, a priceless treasure, is one that was prepared for you long ago. It is the result of a soul contract you made before you arrived on this planet. Your entire life has brought you to…

Soul Embodiment

What does it mean to embody your soul? Embodiment is a spiritual state, where you give your body over to the highest part of you – the part that is the Mother’s energy, manifest in you, in this physical form. My energy is your spiritual lifeblood. It is the part of you that existed before…