Call to Ceremony

You are called to sacred ceremony to commune with me. Your soul longs for this connection. Your spirit is thirsty for the life-giving water I provide. Ceremony is not the same as ritual. Ceremony is self-designed, guided by my inspiration. The components of ceremony change depending on your intention, what your soul is craving. Approach…

Perfect Unity

Perfect unity. This is your heart’s desire, its quintessential craving. There is no desire stronger than the heart’s longing to be fully and completely united. Precious child, that love is so much closer than you think. In fact, it has been right in front of you all along. Your own soul is the one you…

Structure and Routine

People crave routine. As much as you enjoy being in new, exciting locations, you crave structure in your days as structure allows you to feel safe. This structure changes to accommodate the seasons of life. And of course you should resist structures that prevent you from following your heart’s calling. But structure provides a sense…

Soul Love

The glory of being in communion with those you love is precious beyond compare. However, you do not need to be present in physical form to share in this communion. Your loved one is just as present, if not more present, in non-physical form as in physical form. You need simply reach with your thoughts…