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The good in me sees, witnesses and acknowledges the good in you. This is the essence of the namaskar, the greeting of “namaste”. The heart that is capable of truly seeing another human being is rare. Your minds are often too distracted by your own needs, wants, and agendas to hold space for the needs,…

Unconditional Love

You have no control over whether or not your love is received by another. Your job is only to offer love freely, unconditionality, in an unending stream, without expectation – even the expectation that your love will ever be returned. Now… do this. Over and over. Experience awe and wonder at the profound beauty of…

You Are Loved

You are loved. You are loved. You are loved. Is there anything more important than those three words? Everything else in your life – money, relationships, career, travel, joy, perfect health – will fall into place when you fully accept the truth of those words. Once you understand how very much I love you, you…

Your Dance with the Mother

Your dance with me is like a friendship. In any human partnership, you become more and more confident in your interactions as you get to know each other better. In time, you are able to read cues, to understand nuances, to get each other’s subtle jokes. Your interactions with me are the same. The more…

Structure and Routine

People crave routine. As much as you enjoy being in new, exciting locations, you crave structure in your days as structure allows you to feel safe. This structure changes to accommodate the seasons of life. And of course you should resist structures that prevent you from following your heart’s calling. But structure provides a sense…