
The greatest force holding back the evolution of human consciousness is not conflict or divisiveness. It is not lack of awareness or understanding. It is not even fear, greed, pride or judgement. The single greatest force holding back your own personal evolution as well as the evolution of the planet is half-heartedness. Half-heartedness sees a…

Can You Feel The Magic?

“Can you feel the magic?” These are the words the wind is whispering as it gently touches your cheek. This is the light pressing against your eyelids as you turn your face towards the sun. This is the deep peace caressing every skin cell when your body is immersed in water. Can you feel the…

Divine Grace

Devotion means different things to different people. To some it is an act of worship. To others it is the commitment to follow the voice of inner guidance, no matter the cost. To others, devotion is the dedication to show up over and over in the pursuit of an ideal. The human heart is wired…

Love as Nature Loves

The world needs your love. Those who seem least worthy of love are the ones who need it most. Free your heart from judgement. Love without reservation or restriction. When it comes to love, use nature as your teacher, your mentor, your guide. The sun shines on everyone equally. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you…

Your Challenge Is The Gift

Have faith that all is well. Know that right now, in this very moment, events are conspiring on your behalf. The stars are aligned to create magic as your deepest desires manifest easily and effortlessly in physical form. The hard part is over, dear one. The foundation has been laid. Your dedication to visualizing the…

Share Stories

The good in me sees, witnesses and acknowledges the good in you. This is the essence of the namaskar, the greeting of “namaste”. The heart that is capable of truly seeing another human being is rare. Your minds are often too distracted by your own needs, wants, and agendas to hold space for the needs,…

Unconditional Love

You have no control over whether or not your love is received by another. Your job is only to offer love freely, unconditionality, in an unending stream, without expectation – even the expectation that your love will ever be returned. Now… do this. Over and over. Experience awe and wonder at the profound beauty of…