Go Beyond Lack and Limitation

Go beyond lack and limitation. Anything that feels bad is evidence that inadequacy is still part of your belief system. Like weeds in a garden, seek the root of these negative feelings, identifying how underlying beliefs of unworthiness are feeding them. Then, gently, tenderly, and lovingly remove those beliefs. This process will be much easier…

Choose Play

At times you feel conflicted and overwhelmed. Your tender heart is in need of rest, sweet child. Close your eyes. It’s o.k. to not know. Relax into the place between knowing and not knowing. Soon all will be made clear. There is nothing different you need to do. The path will be made clear for…

The Doorway Is Open

The doorway is open. Now you must choose to walk through it. You may be afraid of leaving this life behind. But the life that is waiting on the other side of that door is so much richer and more rewarding than this mirror-version of life. You do not need to die to step through…

Sacred Wounds

Last year, my daughters and I did the Asungate trek in Peru, which took us to 17,000 ft. (5,200 meters). Laying in my tent at 15,000 feet, under a full moon, I felt more at home than I would have felt in my own bed.  Motion is my art form. Movement is the thing that…

Overcoming Challenges

The challenges in your life are gifts, specifically chosen for you, to teach you something important that you might otherwise have missed. The nature of the challenge is not important. It may have to do with relationships, finances, career, or health. All challenges have the same underlying energetic function: to honor your soul’s agreement to…

The Hero Archetype

“Why is it that I think I need to rescue heroes?” she laughed… Then she cried. The pattern in several failed attempts at romance was suddenly crystal clear. She kept falling for heroes. The problem was, she wasn’t a damsel in distress. I told her that rescuing heros is just another version of a hero…