Kindness and Grace

Kindness and grace. The clarity you are looking for boils down to these two words. Practice kindness to all living things and receive all life’s challenges and adventures with grace. It’s really that simple. Creating plans, projections, and other man-made attempts to replace divine orchestration, will only complicate your life, creating needless confusion. Simply tune…

Wake Up

You are safe. You are protected. You are guided. You are loved. Anything that causes fear is based on illusion. Freedom is your reward for seeing through the illusion. Life really is that simple. Any excuse you make for your fear, any attempt to justify it, only gives it power. The fear is not necessary.…

DNA Activation

You are finally coming home to the truth of who you are, the magic of who you are, the mystery of who you are, the joy of who you are. These truths were never hidden or being kept from you. Your power has always been apparent, despite your perceptions of powerlessness, inadequacy, and limitation. These…

More Light

More love. More light. More laughter. More playfulness. More joy. This is the manifestation of your heart that is even now making its way into your life. It has been there, waiting for you in the non-physical, waiting for you to remove the roadblocks holding your mind in a place of lack and limitation. The…

River of Abundance

There are so many entities collaborating on your behalf – so many serendipitous rendezvous with partners across the globe, who even now, in this very moment, are working diligently to make your every wish, your every want, your every need, your every desire, come to fruition in perfect timing. Divine orchestration is yours, my love.…