Death as a Teacher

Those who desire peace, tranquility, and a sense of well-being would benefit from contemplating death. Have you ever considered what life would look like without death? What would your body be if cells never decayed or regenerated? What would plants be if they didn’t break down and compost? Life wouldn’t be life at all. It…

Kindness and Grace

Kindness and grace. The clarity you are looking for boils down to these two words. Practice kindness to all living things and receive all life’s challenges and adventures with grace. It’s really that simple. Creating plans, projections, and other man-made attempts to replace divine orchestration, will only complicate your life, creating needless confusion. Simply tune…

Surrender to Nature

Nature: soft, soothing, sweet, gentle, silent. Nature: violent, immovable, unrelenting, turbulent, wild. Nature is not only a perfect metaphor for the diverse experiences of this human life, it is the catalyst to synthesize all these diverse aspects of human nature… or nature within the human. Surrender to nature – outside and within. Surrender to the…

Physical Mastery

System upgrades are incredibly exciting, but they can also be disorienting and a little frightening. A system upgrade happens when your mind is capable of conceiving scenarios your body is incapable of achieving. For example, a runner may be able to visualize moving through space at a speed his body Is unable to run. If…

Soul Love

The glory of being in communion with those you love is precious beyond compare. However, you do not need to be present in physical form to share in this communion. Your loved one is just as present, if not more present, in non-physical form as in physical form. You need simply reach with your thoughts…