Stand in Your Truth

Perfect love requires courage. Stand now in your truth. There is no room for fear as perfect love casts out fear. Though you may feel vulnerable, you are never truly alone. Love boldly and unapologetically. Act without fear or hesitation. Deeply attuned to the voice of inner guidance, allow instinct to merge with intuition. Feel…

Outrageous Transparency

There is a polarity that exists between men and women. This fundamental mistrust prevents true authenticity in the vast majority of relationships. If you often find yourself in conflict with your partner, ask yourself “What am I holding back? What truth am I unwilling to reveal?” Many have become accustomed to taking a defensive posture…

Practicing Presence

Nothing is a worthy trade for the beauty and magic of this present moment. No memories from the past, no concerns about the future, no wondering about what will or won’t happen, no speculation on what might have been, no mental to-do list, is worth the mental energy that distracts you from loving your life…

Creating Pauses

Make room for pauses in your day. Pausing requires intention and discipline. But once you create a routine of pausing, you will find it is one of the most rewarding practices you can offer yourself and others. Pausing will imbue your day with more productivity, creativity, and kindness. In the space between your daily activities,…

Busyness Is A Choice

Your mind struggles under the weight of busyness. Mental clutter distracts you, preventing you from hearing the voice of inner guidance, from receiving the precious messages that will make your life so much more joyful, so much lighter, so much more playful, so much richer, so much more rewarding. Stop. Relax into the sweet stillness.…