
Your energy is a microcosm of the sun, which offers light and warmth to your entire planetary system. Humans are photosynthetic beings. Your amazing body converts sunlight to vitamin D. Future humans will derive even more of the body’s nutritional needs directly from the sun.  When you eat plants, you are benefitting from their efficiency…

Choose Play

At times you feel conflicted and overwhelmed. Your tender heart is in need of rest, sweet child. Close your eyes. It’s o.k. to not know. Relax into the place between knowing and not knowing. Soon all will be made clear. There is nothing different you need to do. The path will be made clear for…

What Measuring Stick Are You Using?

Life doesn’t celebrate what you’ve achieved. It celebrates who you’ve become. When you measure yourself – evaluating your value, your worth – according to your achievements, you are using the wrong measuring stick. You will never feel worthy, no matter how much you achieve. Society values career, money, power, houses, cars, boats, luxury travel, and…

Call to Ceremony

You are called to sacred ceremony to commune with me. Your soul longs for this connection. Your spirit is thirsty for the life-giving water I provide. Ceremony is not the same as ritual. Ceremony is self-designed, guided by my inspiration. The components of ceremony change depending on your intention, what your soul is craving. Approach…