Hunger is distraction and it takes many forms. You may be one who hungers for knowledge, power, love, sex, achievement, recognition, physical beauty, popularity, adventure, excitement, possessions, etc. Even the hunger for spiritual growth is a distraction. Like mental chewing gun, these distractions satisfy the mind’s addiction to drama. Hunger in its many forms distracts you from that which truly fills.
There is nothing wrong with distraction. It’s part of life. But eventually, hunger becomes tedious. Nothing truly satiates your cravings. Nothing truly fills your belly.
Coming into this awareness can feel unsafe. What is the point of living if you can never truly be filled?
The solution is paradoxical. You must become empty to be full. Surrender your hunger, your cravings, your desires. Let them drain from you, like water draining from a tub. Allow all the words in your mind to drain away with your desires.
These narratives — who you are, what you’ve accomplished, who you like and dislike, what has harmed you or what is holding you back — are all just stories. None of these stories serves any true purpose as they are part of the grand distraction.
It can be difficult to release pain, because pain is often deeply attached to ego identity. For many, it is easier to release joy rather than pain. Allow your pain to enter into your awareness now. Offer it love…. then gently release it. It never truly belonged to you anyway.
As an empty vessel, occupy this space between emptiness and fulfillment. Bring your awareness to the freedom that emptiness offers. Shine the light of your loving consciousness into that space between emptiness and fulfillment until all that’s left is light and love.
This is what it means to truly be full.