Attend now to the tender kindness you receive from me, through the earth, through the soil. I feed you. I protect you. I nurture you. Your body, and every cell, every molecule, every atom in it, was born of the earth. You are one with with me. You can never be anything I am not.
The food that enters your body is provided by me. My cells are your cells. The water pumping through your veins is the same water that courses through my rivers. The air you draw in and exhale out, with each and every breath, is the same air that blows across my open prairies, over my highest mountains, and through my vast wild forests.
You are Nature. And Nature is you. You are indigenous to this planet. It is your home. And Nature is indeed your mother.
As a mother sacrifices for her young, I offer my body to feed you and sustain you. Though I may be exhausted and weary, I will give you every last ounce of my energy. Even when you consume without thought or gratitude, I will continue to attend to your every need, want, wish, and desire.
In truth, I will never withhold my bounty. But my vast supply of resources is being gradually depleted. Even now, my soil, once teeming with life, like vibrant, shiny tresses of rich, loamy hair, has become dull and lifeless. My water, once crystalline and pure, is clouded. My air, once clear and pristine, is choked.
Attend now to me and the kindness I offer. Respond to my kindness by returning to the wild places in your heart and in your world. Restore union with that part of you that knows kinship with every plant, animal and life form on the planet. Commune with the earth, connect with the soil. Come home to me, dear soul. Come home to the One whose body sustains you.