Your mind struggles under the weight of busyness. Mental clutter distracts you, preventing you from hearing the voice of inner guidance, from receiving the precious messages that will make your life so much more joyful, so much lighter, so much more playful, so much richer, so much more rewarding.
Stop. Relax into the sweet stillness. Your soul craves communion. In solitude, return to the abyss, the great expansiveness that knows only love – that has never known anything but love – because love is the foundational element of All-That-Is.
Love is all there ever was and all there ever will be. All things are eventually restored to their innate form, which is love. Lack, limitation, pain, suffering, loneliness, guilt, shame, disappointment, frustration, fear – all these are constructs of this time / space reality. They only exist within the illusion of separation. They are not real and will eventually melt back into their natural form, which is love.
Being busy isn’t wrong. It just prevents you from living in concert with your soul’s highest calling. It is a distraction from the potentially painful work of mending relationships and inner transformation. To be busy is a choice. The things you deem important are not a matter of life and death. Your culture assigns importance to many things that rob your peace and steal your joy.
Look to cultures that have no such demands on their time. The people in these cultures are happy and free, spending more time with family and friends. They celebrate life’s simple pleasures.
Busyness is a choice, dear one. Free yourself from that which does not serve you.