“Can you feel the magic?” These are the words the wind is whispering as it gently touches your cheek. This is the light pressing against your eyelids as you turn your face towards the sun. This is the deep peace caressing every skin cell when your body is immersed in water.
Can you feel the magic? Can you? There are literally thousands of expressions of love surrounding you right now. Take a deep breath. Then take another. In just these two breaths, you feel the shift that connects you to grace. Now smile a gentle inward smile and direct it at your heart. Do you feel the softest stirrings of gratitude?
There is so much to be thankful for. The wealthiest man on earth cannot buy fresh air and sunshine. Yet these are available to you for free! If you need an extra measure of hope – further proof of the tremendous love surrounding you, supporting you, bathing you in countless spiritual kisses – watch a sunrise. The majesty of sunrise and sunset is unparalleled by anything on this planet.
In failing to truly acknowledge and receive the magic and wonder of each breath, fresh air, the sun’s warmth and cool water, you are missing opportunities to feel blessed. Feelings of blessedness feed your sense of worthiness. Your self-worth is rooted in your ability to feel blessed. In feeling blessed, you recognize you are worthy of blessing, worthy of love.
There is a part of you – the larger part – that is eternally connected to All-That-Is. Your higher self has never doubted your blessedness or your worthiness. Open your heart to the simple yet profound majesty of nature, and discover a wondrous path that always and assuredly leads you home to me.
There is much joy in discovering this truth, which you have always known, but sometimes forget: The very essence of your being is love. Each time you discover love, in whatever surprising form it may take, you draw closer to the most authentic version of yourself. And this, precious child, is the source of the magic.