Unconditional Love

You have no control over whether or not your love is received by another. Your job is only to offer love freely, unconditionality, in an unending stream, without expectation – even the expectation that your love will ever be returned. Now… do this. Over and over. Experience awe and wonder at the profound beauty of…


Holy day! First day of winter. Or first day of summer in the southern hemisphere! Embrace the beauty of this day as it unfolds. New beginnings. A fresh slate. Of course, each day represents the start of something new. But these season transitions hold especially great power. Harness their creative energy. Celebrate your ability to…

Time of Expansion

It’s not your job to keep the universe spiraling. That is my work and it happens without your intervention. Similarly, there are mountains being moved on your behalf that are beyond your awareness. Even now, events are conspiring for your greater good and the greater good of All-That-Is. However, your role in these events is…

Leading Edge of Consciousness

Riding the wave of consciousness is exhilarating. The experience of being at the very leading edge of All-That-Is fuels your passion to connect with others, further accelerating the expansion. Because your culture expects people to think, speak and act according to established norms, spirit-seekers who are willing to stand at the very leading edge of…