Go Beyond Lack and Limitation

Go beyond lack and limitation. Anything that feels bad is evidence that inadequacy is still part of your belief system. Like weeds in a garden, seek the root of these negative feelings, identifying how underlying beliefs of unworthiness are feeding them. Then, gently, tenderly, and lovingly remove those beliefs. This process will be much easier…


Uncertainty is a luxury enjoyed exclusively in this time / space reality. Uncertainty is one of the experiences you enthusiastically embraced when you decided to be born into this human form.  Trust is the point of attraction that makes uncertainty a truly pleasurable experience. In fact, developing trust is the reason for uncertainty. Trust in…

Emotional Alchemy

Emotion is powerful. It’s transformative. But all-too-often, it feels beyond our control. We observe something wanted or unwanted. We have a positive or negative interaction. The experience or interaction elicits an emotional response. Like leaves in the wind, we move along life’s path in a seemingly random emotional pattern, subject to unseen forces beyond our…

Sacred Wounds

Last year, my daughters and I did the Asungate trek in Peru, which took us to 17,000 ft. (5,200 meters). Laying in my tent at 15,000 feet, under a full moon, I felt more at home than I would have felt in my own bed.  Motion is my art form. Movement is the thing that…

A Time of Clarity

You are coming into a time of clarity, a time of inner knowing where your path will come clear and this time of uncertainty and waiting will all make sense. You will see the great love with which these plans were orchestrated, feeling so very blessed that so much divine care and attention to your…

More Light

More love. More light. More laughter. More playfulness. More joy. This is the manifestation of your heart that is even now making its way into your life. It has been there, waiting for you in the non-physical, waiting for you to remove the roadblocks holding your mind in a place of lack and limitation. The…