The Great Awakening

This is the time to gather in communities of like-minded people who are sharing in this tremendous experience of physical, mental, and spiritual expansion. You are truly becoming super-human as your body, mind, and spirit are capable of things that have never been possible before. New spectrums of light, new vibrational frequencies, are arriving on…


You are safe, dear one. In the midst of uncertainty, when confusion surrounds you, in the midst of discomfort, when you see no path to resolution, in the midst of doubt, when you struggle to find a clear way forward, you are embraced by One who embodies clarity, certainty and hope. This is the part…


Contrary to what many believe, reality is not “that which can be proven”, but rather “that which cannot be disproven”. This is true in the cosmos just as it is true in your life. On a personal level, an infinite number of realities emerge as you make an infinite number of choices. In many cases,…


Sometimes life feels very much like a roller coaster. Are you enjoying the thrill of the ride? Or are your eyes clenched shut as you grip the handle bar and hold on for dear life? Maybe you even find yourself wondering if you ended up on the wrong ride. Relax. Take a deep breath. Believe…


Miracles are your birthright. Learn to expect them. Miracles are the normal, natural result of your coming into alignment with your authentic self. You are in alignment with your soul when you feel worthy and blessed. Your natural response is appreciation. So appreciation is your best indication of alignment. From this dominant vibrational space of…

Overcoming Challenges

The challenges in your life are gifts, specifically chosen for you, to teach you something important that you might otherwise have missed. The nature of the challenge is not important. It may have to do with relationships, finances, career, or health. All challenges have the same underlying energetic function: to honor your soul’s agreement to…

Your Truest Gifts

The need to define your place and purpose is somewhat misguided. Your need to find purpose is sometimes rooted in doubt, or even lack of self-worth. If you knew how very loved you are, how treasured you are, how cherished you are, how celebrated you are, questions of purpose would be rendered irrelevant. You are…

A Time of Clarity

You are coming into a time of clarity, a time of inner knowing where your path will come clear and this time of uncertainty and waiting will all make sense. You will see the great love with which these plans were orchestrated, feeling so very blessed that so much divine care and attention to your…