The Great Awakening

This is the time to gather in communities of like-minded people who are sharing in this tremendous experience of physical, mental, and spiritual expansion. You are truly becoming super-human as your body, mind, and spirit are capable of things that have never been possible before. New spectrums of light, new vibrational frequencies, are arriving on…


You are safe, dear one. In the midst of uncertainty, when confusion surrounds you, in the midst of discomfort, when you see no path to resolution, in the midst of doubt, when you struggle to find a clear way forward, you are held in my tender embrace. Through me, you will come to embody clarity,…


Hunger is distraction and it takes many forms. You may be one who hungers for knowledge, power, love, sex, achievement, recognition, physical beauty, popularity, adventure, excitement, possessions, etc. Even the hunger for spiritual growth is a distraction. Like mental chewing gun, these distractions satisfy the mind’s addiction to drama. Hunger in its many forms distracts…


Uncertainty makes you feel uneasy or even unsafe. With so many choices, you want to know which path is the right one. This uncertainty stems from viewing destiny as a single ultimate reality. Like a path through the forest, the right course is solid and predictable. Straying from the path leads to pain and misery.…


Sometimes life feels very much like a roller coaster. Are you enjoying the thrill of the ride? Or are your eyes clenched shut as you grip the handle bar and hold on for dear life? Maybe you even find yourself wondering if you ended up on the wrong ride. Relax. Take a deep breath. Believe…


You have a dream in your heart. For some, it is a vision to bring something new into the world that will benefit mankind. For others, it is the dream of fulfillment; a perfect partner, a healthy body, a specific achievement or a number in their bank account. In the case of any desire, there…

Love as Nature Loves

The world needs your love. Those who seem least worthy of love are the ones who need it most. Free your heart from judgement. Love without reservation or restriction. When it comes to love, use nature as your teacher, your mentor, your guide. The sun shines on everyone equally. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you…

The Need to Feel Special

Kindness means taking the time to listen – not only to others, but to your own heart. So often, you and those around you seek external validation. You desperately long to feel special. You desperately need to be seen. But the validation you seek will just leave you hungry for more when validation comes from…


Miracles are your birthright. Learn to expect them. Miracles are the normal, natural result of your coming into alignment with your authentic self. You are in alignment with your soul when you feel worthy and blessed. Your natural response is appreciation. So appreciation is your best indication of alignment. From this dominant vibrational space of…