Justice Equals Balance

The pursuit of justice is the pursuit of balance. Restoring balance requires resolution, not retribution. Justice requires faith in the knowledge that universal harmonics seek balance. Retribution does not restore balance because people don’t have access to the full orchestral score. So retribution often leads to further imbalance. Harmonic dissonance is always followed by harmonic…

The Path of Honor

Challenge is necessary. Struggle is not. Many people believe that challenge and struggle are synonymous. Your challenges need not be painful. Once you see that all of life is conspiring on your behalf, and that even your challenges are just blessings in disguise, you will approach each day with freshness, vitality, and hope. Do you…

Finding Justice Through Balance

Each person on the planet is a resonance chamber, finely tuned to their own unique vibrational signature. The degree to which your life operates in harmony with this vibrational signature is the degree to which you feel relaxed, happy, peaceful and fulfilled. The extent to which your day to day resonance is in discord with…

The Game

This is a time of great emotional upheaval. Events on both a personal level and on a global level feel deeply turbulent. Like a small boat caught in an ocean storm, wave after wave of emotion threatens to overwhelm you. Emotionally drenched, cold, and exhausted, you cry out for help, for a pause in the…


The feeling of inadequacy is a ubiquitous human experience. You were born with a unique set of gifts. It may surprise you to learn that each person receives gifts in equal measure. Your perception of inequality is partially due to the fact that your culture assigns more weight to some gifts than others. Another reason…


Mistrust of others is rooted in mistrusting one’s self. When you continually question the motives of others, it means your own motives are less than pure. This is a hard reality to accept. But identifying our own dishonesty offers great freedom. Ask yourself, “Where have I been keeping secrets? Where am I using stories to…

The Path of Reconciliation

Love them all. Love all of them. If there is a single exception in your heart right now, shine the light of your loving consciousness there. Heal the wound your painful experience left behind. Heal the wound and love the person. See your own divine radiance reflected in their face. Transform the cycle of pain…