Trade Drama for Love

Are you addicted to drama? Cycles of tension and resolution may mimic growth. But true growth is linear, not cyclical. Drama is not growth. It’s just drama. Growth implies movement towards something. In relationship, growth is the movement towards unconditional love. You will know when you are moving towards unconditional love when your relationships become…

Justice Equals Balance

The pursuit of justice is the pursuit of balance. Restoring balance requires resolution, not retribution. Justice requires faith in the knowledge that universal harmonics seek balance. Retribution does not restore balance because people don’t have access to the full orchestral score. So retribution often leads to further imbalance. Harmonic dissonance is always followed by harmonic…


Divisiveness in your relationships, your family, and even your community are a reflection of division within yourself. There is the you that responds to life’s conditions and the you that witnesses these responses. The degree to which you bring these two parts of yourself into alignment is the degree to which you experience harmony, not…


Have you ever wondered what would happen if people only consumed what their bodies needed? In Western societies where food is abundant, people would dramatically decrease their consumption of food, leading to less freighters on the oceans, less airplanes in the sky, less trucks on the freeways, less heavy machinery in the fields, less pesticides…

The Performance of a Lifetime

Your world is addicted to drama. And there are so many forms of drama to choose from! Everywhere you turn, there is opportunity to get sucked deeper into the illusion of separation; to believe the story that “other” is real, and “other” is responsible for your suffering. The more you refuse to play the victim,…

Strong and Lean

All prayers are heard. And all prayers are answered, though the answer may not take the shape and form you are expecting. I respond directly to your deepest needs and longings, unhindered and unimpaired by your limited human perspectives. So often, the thing you think you want is just the opposite of what you truly…

Release Old Stories

Take a deep breath. Relax into this moment. Now think of your deepest desire. How pure is your energy as you think about the thing you most want? Do you feel anxious, because achieving your dream requires talent, ability, or physical characteristics you aren’t sure you possess? Do you feel tired, fearing you lack the…


Miracles are your birthright. Learn to expect them. Miracles are the normal, natural result of your coming into alignment with your authentic self. You are in alignment with your soul when you feel worthy and blessed. Your natural response is appreciation. So appreciation is your best indication of alignment. From this dominant vibrational space of…