The Path of Honor

Challenge is necessary. Struggle is not. Many people believe that challenge and struggle are synonymous. Your challenges need not be painful. Once you see that all of life is conspiring on your behalf, and that even your challenges are just blessings in disguise, you will approach each day with freshness, vitality, and hope. Do you…


Mistrust of others is rooted in mistrusting one’s self. When you continually question the motives of others, it means your own motives are less than pure. This is a hard reality to accept. But identifying our own dishonesty offers great freedom. Ask yourself, “Where have I been keeping secrets? Where am I using stories to…

Kindness is a Beacon

You can’t be sad enough to make a sad person happy. You can’t be sick enough to make a sick person well. You can’t be lost enough to help a lost person find their way. Kindness does not require you to share in their sadness, their sickness or their confusion. Kindness requires you to stand…

You Are Safe

Gratitude. What are you thankful for in this moment? As you sit, relax and allow your mind to clear. Allow your heart to open. Consult inner guidance, asking the question, “What does my soul want me to know?” Then just sit and quietly listen. From that place of inner knowing, you will become aware of…


Be bold. Do not doubt your worthiness. Rise to your calling. Meet it courageously. Each person on this planet is called to greatness. But few choose to follow the path that greatness requires. Though humility is required for the journey, doubting your own worth will prevent you from fulfilling your purpose. Be bold. Claim the…

Claim Your Divine Power

My love is surrounding you. Right now, in this moment, as you sit in positive expectation – heart open, eager like a child to receive the love that is literally saturating the air around you – your lungs and every living cell in your body is being filled with love. I am celebrating your connection,…