The Hum of Creation

Cultivate a spirit of inquisitiveness. See the world as a child, without evaluating what is important and what is not important, what is worthy of your attention and what is to be disregarded. Notice everything. Resist the temptation expect a specific outcome in each situation as it arises. Nothing is unwanted or disruptive. Do you…

Your Future Is Secure

Relax. Enjoy the not knowing. Savor the delicious unfolding of this life experience. Your path is assured. The way has been prepared. Your feet are being gently and confidently led. Like a child learning to take his or her first steps, you are guided, protected, and so very loved. There is never a single moment…

Choose Play

At times you feel conflicted and overwhelmed. Your tender heart is in need of rest, sweet child. Close your eyes. It’s o.k. to not know. Relax into the place between knowing and not knowing. Soon all will be made clear. There is nothing different you need to do. The path will be made clear for…

Your Divine Treasure Chest

Set aside time for playful rest. Invite your mind to engage in a passive form of play. Play is intuitive, free of the cumbersome energy associated with discipline.  Playfulness is a connective energy that elicits positive feelings of creativity, expectation, surprise, and delight. Stillness provides a platform for the divine to co-create with you in…

Your Future Is Assured

Be at peace. Your future is assured. Rest secure in the knowledge that all is well. Could it ever be otherwise? Your blessing is secure. Everything is now transpiring for your highest and greatest good. Open and allow these blessings to flow to you with ease, filling your heart with surprise and delight in the…