A Time of Transformation

This is a time of great transformation. In this time, you will experience tremendous breakthroughs, virtually effortlessly. Physical, mental and spiritual blocks that have been significant impediments to your progress are being removed as long-arching timelines reach their conclusion. Problems that seemed insurmountable a short time ago will disappear. Years of frustration and struggle, patterns…

Create Space for Kindness

Free your heart from anger. Release any feelings of resentment or blame. They have no place in your heart. When your heart is filled with kindness, there is literally no room for anger. Forgiveness creates space for kindness. Like cleaning out a cluttered spare bedroom, the space created by kindness allows fresh air to enter…


The expansiveness of life is so wonderful. Would you agree? If your life feels small – if you are resigned to lack and limitation in any aspect of your life – you have not stepped into the fullness of who you are. There is no such thing as an inspiration you are not fully worthy…

You Are Safe

Gratitude. What are you thankful for in this moment? As you sit, relax and allow your mind to clear. Allow your heart to open. Consult inner guidance, asking the question, “What does my soul want me to know?” Then just sit and quietly listen. From that place of inner knowing, you will become aware of…

Perfect Health

Perfect health is yours if you claim it. Pain in your body (even signs of aging), are simply parables, written on your body; lessons made manifest in physical form. Once you understand the teachings of the parable, you are free to release physical pain as it no longer serves you. All dis-ease is a message…

Overcoming Challenges

The challenges in your life are gifts, specifically chosen for you, to teach you something important that you might otherwise have missed. The nature of the challenge is not important. It may have to do with relationships, finances, career, or health. All challenges have the same underlying energetic function: to honor your soul’s agreement to…

Release Control

Release control. Let go of the wheel. Allow my divine intelligence and my divine timing to do the heavy lifting. Your job is simply to open and allow the avalanche of abundance flowing through you. In this moment, your future is assured. There is no need to effort or work harder, as you have already…