Discipline vs. Surrender

Be gentle with yourself, precious child. Many well-meaning people put discipline rather than surrender at the heart of their spiritual practice. There is nothing wrong with discipline. Discipline is necessary to rouse the heart, body and mind from complacency. But when discipline becomes the central focus of your spiritual practice, it may lead to rigidity,…


No one believes they are selfish. Yet nearly everyone is primarily driven by their own self-interest. The drive to promote a personal agenda is often mistaken for strength. True strength lies in the willingness to release your personal agenda. Even acting on behalf of others comes from a place of selfishness when your agenda becomes…


Do you find that nobody lives up to your expectations? Are you continually disappointed by society, co-workers, friends or even loved ones who fail to meet your needs? Though you fully believe that you are doing more than anyone else, it’s still not enough to get others to behave the way you want them to…


Martyrdom and narcissism are two sides of the same coin. Both the martyr and the narcissist are dysfunctional archetypes arising from self-obsession, which is the complete identification with form. A martyr is one who denies herself in the service of others. Her identity is entirely formed by doing rather than being. The martyr believes that…


Does it sometimes feel like you are never enough? Like everyone else received life’s secret code, but someone forgot to give it to you? Like there is something important you are missing? Maybe you suspect you don’t really belong here. You recognize that life is tough for everyone. But sometimes it feels like it’s more…

Restoring Peace

You are being called to prayer. You are being called to devotion. I long for a connection with you. Go deep. This is the time to allow your heart to fully open to my calling. Now is the time to seek shelter from the storm. Even joy brings a sense of chaos: a frenetic energy…

The Value of Stillness

Feel into the sacredness of the space between movement and frenetic energy. In this stillness, your inspiration for new adventures are born. The stillness, as well as the movement, is sacred. Both are necessary for the beautiful unfolding of this magnificent life experience. You are drawn to movement. But stillness has played an equally formative…

Surrender to Grace

Open and allow. The seat of consciousness is available in the very moment you choose to claim it. Unending love, abounding joy, profound peace, deep understanding, all the spiritual conditions you are trying to achieve in your life experience here on earth are so easily and readily available to you right now, in this moment. …

Divine Timing

Divine timing is a fulcrum that provides leverage to quickly and easily manifest all your deepest desires. You are meant to have each and every one of your soul’s desires. You are not meant to struggle and expend needless effort in achieving your goals. Save that life-force energy for your rich, beautiful relationship with others…