
Welcome to this sacred space. There are many here who are so eager to spend this time with you. There is such incredible love and support for you. I have been collaborating on your behalf, shifting the very fabric of creation in service to your greater good. In this moment, you are perfectly happy, perfectly…

Retroactive Gratitude

Isn’t it funny how gratitude becomes easier with practice? The simple act of smiling is an act of gratitude, an expression of happiness. When you smile for no reason, your subconscious will look for reasons to be happy. And voila! Instant gratitude! Feel blessed. Become aware of the blessings all around you that are indeed…

A Time of Clarity

You are coming into a time of clarity, a time of inner knowing where your path will come clear and this time of uncertainty and waiting will all make sense. You will see the great love with which these plans were orchestrated, feeling so very blessed that so much divine care and attention to your…

Divine Flow

Never underestimate the power of what’s happening. There are synergies that abound all around you. In every moment of every day, synchronicities are tenderly being orchestrated to bring about your greatest good. Not a single synergy is random. They are being wrought with great intention, with great thought and care. The matrix provides a backdrop…