Relax Into the Space Between

Sometimes kindness means giving space. Sending love through prayer, offering loving intentions, and holding someone in your thoughts can be more effective than words or physical touch. In the space between moments of connection, silence provides room to create a shift. Set your intentions for the highest and best outcome in a difficult situation, both…

Be Still

Anxiety in the face of uncertainty is normal and natural. In many ways, your world view has been deconstructed. This is a disorienting process, but one that is ripe with potential. You will naturally gravitate towards your old beliefs and thought patterns if you don’t provide space to just be in stillness. Be o.k. without…

Move Forward Slowly

Emerging from darkness is like waking up after a deep sleep. It can be a little disorienting. Do not feel pressured to do anything right now. Just relax into this state of being. Explore the many ways you can simply be. Don’t try to figure out next steps or a path forward. Simply relax into…

Quiet Your Mind

I can be found in the quiet places of your heart, dear one. For this reason, it is so important to rest. In the stillness of your soul, in your body’s perfect silence, words disappear as they are replaced by impressions of love. Words are the language of the ego. Images are the language of…