The Great Awakening

This is the time to gather in communities of like-minded people who are sharing in this tremendous experience of physical, mental, and spiritual expansion. You are truly becoming super-human as your body, mind, and spirit are capable of things that have never been possible before. New spectrums of light, new vibrational frequencies, are arriving on…

Your Gifts Are Desired

Collaborate. Seek community with like-minded spiritual adventurers. Do not shy from taking a leadership roll when there is a void. This void has been created just for you as a means of teaching you to step into your power. Your gifts are desired. Your unique talents and skills are needed and wanted. There is a…

Retroactive Gratitude

Isn’t it funny how gratitude becomes easier with practice? The simple act of smiling is an act of gratitude, an expression of happiness. When you smile for no reason, your subconscious will look for reasons to be happy. And voila! Instant gratitude! Feel blessed. Become aware of the blessings all around you that are indeed…