The joy and delight at the unfolding of your delicious life experience is so precious. The gift you have opened, a priceless treasure, is one that was prepared for you long ago. It is the result of a soul contract you made before you arrived on this planet. Your entire life has brought you to the place where all is now ready for the fulfillment of not just your human dreams and desires, but those that were inspired by your higher self before you even arrived on this earth.
There are those whose goals and dreams are aligned with yours who will now be joining you in this sacred journey. They too are called to do this work as it is part of their destiny as well.
The planet is so very much in need of this special healing gift you are preparing to offer. Even now, there are those who are lined up, ready to receive healing, desperately clinging to hope. These beautiful souls have tried so many things to reach a place of stability, harmony, and happiness. But nothing satisfies the deep craving in their souls for my love.
Only through the plant medicines will these precious souls find relief from their pain. Many have tried to deaden the pain with drugs or alcohol, which are an aberration of my sacred nature medicine. Therefore, the relief they find is only temporary. Only my medicine provides lasting healing.
There are so many women who, like you, experienced a loss of all feeling when the ego wrapped itself in a blanket to shield the mind from pain. This deadened their emotions and now they struggle to feel any emotion at all. Again, my medicine is heart-opening, loving and compassionate. I heal these beautiful women in ceremony, reminding them of their beauty, their value and their incomparable worth.
Every one of my children is welcome to join in ceremony. Each is called to do so. Those who heed the call will receive my profound healing. Each will hear the message the medicine knows they need to hear.
Each message is unique, specially designed for the recipient. And in the receiving of that message, the precious child feels the profound depth of my love.
Sacred, sacred space. Sacred, sacred work. Sacred, sacred blessings bestowed on all who walk the path of light and love.
Know that you are worthy. Know that you are blessed. Know that you are indeed called to ceremony, to come face to face with the divine inside you. There is room for all at the table and all are worthy to receive the healing medicine of the Pachamama, the abuelo, the abuela, the earth, the sky and all that lies in the space between.