Yours is a tale of love, loss, and redemption, a story that tugs at the hearts of sentient beings throughout the Universe. It is a sweet, poignant story, much-loved and much-celebrated because you are much-loved and much-celebrated.
There is so much excitement here in the spiritual realms as your story reaches its climax – so much eager anticipation to see it finally resolve in a manner that makes all your pain, all your loneliness, all your waiting, so very worth it.
Do you now see that all the pain was necessary to make its resolution so deeply gratifying? Can you see how the suffering was part of the appreciation you now feel? And that suffering is a necessary part of gratitude?
You are so richly blessed, dear soul, and you have always been. But without loss, it was difficult for you to feel your way to the appreciation that comes so easily now. Your life’s challenges were truly gifts, specially wrapped just for you, specially chosen to evoke exactly the right pain in exactly the right measure at exactly the right time to cultivate the precious seeds of future joy and appreciation.
Indeed, seeds of pain yield flowers of gratitude. This is one of the marvelous mysteries of your life experience. It is one of the great joys of human consciousness and a large part of the reason you chose this particular life.
This truth is the same for every man, woman and child on your planet. Seeds of pain yield flowers of appreciation.
And yours is a prolific garden with flowers of every size, shape and color. Each flower represents a precious life experience rooted in struggle and hardship. Your rich, vibrant garden abounds in the sweetest scented flowers, each so delicate, they bring tears to the eyes.
Give thanks for your garden, dear one. Savor it. Share it. Allow others to celebrate the beauty of your garden with you, so they too might see the exquisitely beautiful garden that is their own.