In the “doing”, there will always be more to do. It’s in the “being” that your true power lies. In doing, you are limited by time and circumstances. In being, your creative power is limitless.
In your mind’s eye, imagine your perfect outcome. Do you want a beautiful, healthy, perfectly toned body? Do you want an exciting new career that provides the flexibility to travel the world? Do you want to find the love of your life?
Holding an image of the perfect outcome in your mind, feel excitement and gratitude for the dreams that are making their way towards you, into this physical experience, right now. Collaborative forces are conspiring on your behalf. Tune into your soul’s voice, inspiring you to take specific action steps, which will provide the quickest, most expedient path to your goals.
Act on that inner intuition immediately and without question. Those gentle inner leadings have been inspired as a direct response to your asking. These are the baby steps that make your dreams manifest in this physical realm.
Lengthy to-do lists are not only counterproductive, needlessly consuming precious time and energy, they may also lead to frustration and disappointment. Leverage the co-creative partnerships available to you in non-physical realms, and act on the guidance they provide.
Take joy in these baby steps, knowing that you are not meant to achieve your dreams alone. Your dreams are birthed by your soul. They are your unique and valuable contribution to the world, providing your truest sense of purpose in this life experience.