Love, in all its forms, is to be celebrated. Is there love in your heart? If so, it is no mistake. There is no love, in any form, that is an error. Love has a transformative energy. It accomplishes miracles. It is not necessary for love to be returned in order for your love to give you wings. The power of flight is yours, just for the pure experience of loving.
Continue to draw strength and vitality from your love. Nurture it. Feed it. Allow it to grow. Never doubt it, question it, or try to put undue emphasis on having that love met with love in return. The truest form of love is that which requires nothing in return – not even to be loved back.
To fall in love is a precious gift, one that is received simply by opening and allowing the love to flow through you. Allow passion to bring a smile to your face and feel your vibration shift as your energy multiplies. Love allows you to tap into creative life force energy. And this is the very energy that was used to create universes!
Be grateful for the sanctity of love in its many forms. Honor it. Nurture it. Cultivate it. Help it grow.