It really is beautiful, isn’t it? This life you are living? Feel the deep, harmonious resonance in your chest, reverberating back to your first heart beat and forward to the moment when you take your last breath; a single note, sounding throughout the entirety of this lifetime. All your perceived hardships are inconsequential. They simply provide the tools to create your masterpiece, a spectacularly beautiful patch on a great quilt that its stitched together by the hands of time.
Your beautiful contribution to this universal tapestry is significant. It is sacred, holy and true. In fact, there is no such thing as a wasted moment in a life. Each moment, even the ones we view as inconsequential or even detrimental, are of unfathomable worth. Not a single heartbeat is wasted. Not a single breath is drawn in vain. Your being-ness is what is sacred. You may not be aware of the note your soul is singing, the light you are emitting, the frequency that is joining with the other frequencies of all things living and non-living.
But that frequency is critical to the balance of universal harmonics. Like the destabilizing influence of an atom without a balanced number of electrons, your absence would cause destabilization in the field of universal consciousness.
Matter cannot be created nor destroyed. In that great mysterious triad of life, sex and death, the essence of your sound goes on, traveling from one lifetime into the next.