The challenges in your life are gifts, specifically chosen for you, to teach you something important that you might otherwise have missed. The nature of the challenge is not important. It may have to do with relationships, finances, career, or health. All challenges have the same underlying energetic function: to honor your soul’s agreement to evolve.
Many challenges are rooted in the need for control. The more you release control, allowing your soul to embody this physical form and do the heavy lifting for you, the faster and more easily you can overcome frustration and dis-ease.
Many challenges are rooted in lack of self-worth. Connecting with your higher self – embodying your soul – allows you to view yourself from a new perspective: one of love, light, and blessedness. There is grace all around you!
Guilt, doubt, jealousy, denial, lack and limitation are not serving you. They steal your power. They are at the root of your stuck-ness.
Release the negative energies impeding your progress. It often easier than you think. Have the courage to dive deep into fear. Open your heart and allow my strength to help process the feelings you are afraid to feel. As fear is identified and felt, it is released. Then the fear itself will be transmuted to love, healing your heart, mind, and spirit as it flows through you in a river of light.