There are tensions you have been holding in your body for a very long time. Habitual thought patterns rooted in a victim mentality become stuck in these tension points. Deep rest, while attending to direction from inner guidance, will help identify these tension points and release them.
The shoulders, jaw, and stomach are common repositories for stuck thought patterns. As you relax deeply into these muscles, be aware of the thoughts you release. They may provide insight into the mind’s unconscious wanderings that repeatedly lead you back to thoughts rooted in victim consciousness. Victim consciousness is the underlying cause of all stuck-ness.
You say that everything happens for a reason. But do you believe it? Do you really? If you believe that everything happens for a reason, then you accept the unwavering truth that each and every challenge in your life serves your greater good. And if every challenge serves your greater good, each person who contributes to those challenges is your greatest teacher, worthy of your deepest gratitude and love. And each circumstance that contributes to those challenges is your greatest gift, also worthy of your deepest gratitude and love. Even the victim consciousness itself is a teacher.
Once you understand that you are the loving, compassionate, brilliantly creative author of your own life’s story, you will release all internal thoughts and conversations that hold you captive to a victim mindset. And you will finally release the stuck energies stored in your body.
Once your mind is entirely free from victim consciousness, your body will be vibrant, relaxed, free, and alive. You will spontaneously heal at such a deep level, it will be as if sickness, and even signs of aging, never even existed.
Perfect health, in body, mind, and spirit, is your natural state of being.