You deserve bliss. Not just happiness, or even joy. But true, pure, and perfect bliss. This dream would not have been planted in your heart if you were not able to achieve it.
So often, people surrender to that which they believe is inevitable. Life unfolds in a predictable manner, in direct response to their expectation. But it doesn’t need to be that way.
Timelines shift according to your expectations. Reality transforms according to your beliefs.
Do you believe that aging is accompanied by physical signs of deterioration? Nearly everyone on your planet does! This contributes to the belief that there is no other alternative. Physical signs of aging are entirely optional.
There is a switch within your DNA that slows, or even reverses physical signs of aging. Your skin regains elasticity. Your body produces collagen. The hormones associated with muscle tone and the building of muscle mass are activated, restoring a youthful physique.
There is nothing wrong with physical signs of aging. But why go through it if you don’t have to? There are people on the planet right now who have intentionally or unintentionally activated this longevity switch in their DNA. They experience the vibrancy, vitality, and youthfulness of a person in their twenties!
In time, as more people become aware of this truth, de-aging will become commonplace. Many supplement and cosmetic companies will go out of business as people shift billions of dollars from pills, creams, and potions to recreation and travel.
Your life is meant to be so good, precious one. You are meant to adore, cherish, and love your life and your body, as you are adored, cherished and loved by me.