Nothing is a worthy trade for the beauty and magic of this present moment. No memories from the past, no concerns about the future, no wondering about what will or won’t happen, no speculation on what might have been, no mental to-do list, is worth the mental energy that distracts you from loving your life right now, in this moment.
In this moment, you are reading a message. My love is radiating through this message. I am deeply aware of the who of who you are, not just in the present, but in the past and future as well. This is the love that witnessed your first breath. It is the love that witnessed your first steps, your first words, your bitter tears of disappointment when you lost your first love.
It is the love that looks back at you in the mirror and gazes out at you through the eyes of every person and animal you meet. It is the love that emanates from the sun, the grass, the flowers, the trees, the moon, the stars, and every planet in the galaxy. It is the love that has known you through your many lifetimes and will shine unwavering through every lifetime to come. What could possibly be more important than that love?
Though that love never fades, your awareness of it is only accessed when you surrender to the present moment. Thoughts rooted in past or future events distract you from the joy of being present. Bringing consciousness and intention into daily activities creates space to see those activities in a new light, with fresh creativity, through the lens of love.
Though it’s not possible or even practical to be fully present in every moment of every day, the practice of being present at least once a day will offer great benefit. Practice presence while driving, cleaning the house, doing your daily exercise, walking in the woods, or meditating on the beauty of a tree or flower. As distracting thoughts emerge, remember that nothing is a worthy trade for this precious present moment.