Kindness is its own reward. An expression of kindness does not require reciprocation or even acknowledgement. Kindness seeks to express instead of impress. It is the outward manifestation of a heart that is already fully – having been fed by its own inner light.
Kindness is never needy or grasping. It offers its riches freely, knowing that concerns over lack and limitation have no place in the expression of kindness, because those riches are continually replenished from a stream of infinite abundance.
Kindness should not be censored. Its expression is unique to each individual, an outward manifestation of the creativity and expansiveness of the human heart.
How can you be creative in your expression of kindness? How can you make this world a canvas for your brush strokes of kindness? What wild, crazy, radical act of kindness is tugging at your soul?
This is your calling. Act boldly. Move confidently, even though the vision may seem outrageous. You will know your actions are pure when you expect absolutely nothing in return. In fact, the boldest acts of kindness will likely inspire anonymity because their audacity may make you feel shy. Rare is the psyche that can stand unflinching in the glowing light of radical kindness!
Throw your arms wide. Expanding your awareness to encompass the entire earth, ask yourself, “What is the broadest expression of kindness I can access in this moment?” Then act.
Do this. And one day, you will stand in wonder at the countless ways kindness has transformed your life.