Sometimes kindness means giving space. Sending love through prayer, offering loving intentions, and holding someone in your thoughts can be more effective than words or physical touch.
In the space between moments of connection, silence provides room to create a shift. Set your intentions for the highest and best outcome in a difficult situation, both for yourself and your loved ones.
Hold a vision of peace, joy, wonder, surprise and delight. Know that you are held, and that all beings on your planet are similarly held, in the hands of a loving Mother who is leveraging universal forces on your behalf.
Just by setting an intention for health and healing, you are calling on spiritual allies who know how to most efficiently and effectively respond to that intention.
Relax into the space between, precious soul. Relax into this wondrous power – this quiet energy of not doing. Allow the expansiveness of imagination to create the most beneficial outcome in this situation, one that elicits pure joy and delight.
Momentary loneliness and even pain are a small price to pay for the beautiful love that awaits you on the other side of the space between.
Relax into the pause. Relax into the silence. Allow the darkness to surround you in a blanket of warmth. Like a seed lying dormant in the earth, love is waiting for the perfect moment to take root and grow. But for now, rest and relax into the space between.