Sometimes kindness means letting go. Is there a dream in your heart that makes you feel sad, disappointed, inadequate or frustrated? Is there a love, that no matter how hard you try, how much effort you put into it, your love is not reciprocated?
Dreams require time and energy to manifest. Love takes commitment and nurturing to grow. But sometimes, a dream or a love is not manifesting because it is not expansive enough.
As humans, you have the tendency to settle; to think small, to cut your dreams into bite-sized pieces. What would the grandest manifestation of your dream look like? What does your boldest vision of love look like?
Sometimes kindness means letting go of something good to step into something great.
Are you one who is being let go? Do you feel sadness that someone else did the leaving? Know that there is no such thing as an event that is outside your creation. In this time and space, there is the illusion of power and powerlessness. Those are just constructs.
Beyond your current sphere of awareness, all is within your control. All experiences are conspiring on your behalf in accordance with your own greater plan, for your own greater purpose. Events are transpiring exactly as they are meant to transpire, and your timing is perfect.
You are held. You are guided. You are loved. And even when it feels like life is taking you in a direction you are reluctant to go, you will discover kindness in the healing currents of grace. The waters of that seemingly turbulent river are exactly what you need to refresh, renew and clean your spirit.