Loneliness can only occur through the illusion of separation. Release control. Let go of the illusion. Relax into the truth of oneness, the truth of love, the truth that you and I are connected to each other in the awareness of All-That-Is.
You will know the truth the day you leave this earth. But true joy comes from discovering your divine connectedness here on earth… and then forgetting it again, only to rediscover it, over and over, in a cycle of knowing and forgetting.
Like opening a gift over and over, you remember the light, only to forget it, and remember it again. It is not unlike your cycle of day and night. There is magic and beauty in both. There is majesty in the darkness as well as the light. Similarly, there is majesty in loneliness as well as connectedness. The difference is that you cannot experience loneliness in the spiritual realms, as loneliness is unique to this time / space reality.
The only way your soul can ever experience the poignant beauty and power of loneliness is through your lived awareness, dear one.
Gaze upon your loneliness as a lover gazes at the stars in the night sky, surrendering to the emptiness and the longing. Savor the sweet, fresh, clear scent of the night air, embracing that aching longing feeling. Hold it close to your heart and know that this too will pass. Just as day follows night, your heart will pass from loneliness to connectedness again.
But for now, in this moment, allow yourself to breathe loneliness deep into your lungs, deep into your belly, deep into the very fabric of your being, and feel blessed at the richness of this profound, sensual, uniquely human experience.