Cultivate a spirit of inquisitiveness. See the world as a child, without evaluating what is important and what is not important, what is worthy of your attention and what is to be disregarded. Notice everything. Resist the temptation expect a specific outcome in each situation as it arises. Nothing is unwanted or disruptive.
Do you see how this practice can be applied to every aspect of your life? From the moment-by-moment events of your day, to the people who you encounter, each plays an integral role in the beautiful tapestry that is your life.
Seen through the lens of consciousness, which is even now experiencing life through your senses, everything emerges on purpose. Like a perfectly orchestrated ballet, everything is unfolding in its own perfect timing.
Though you may pass through periods that feel like waiting, those seemingly empty stretches of time are filled with so many miracles – wonder beyond wonders in a world that is teeming with life, energy, and vitality.
So many gifts are awaiting your discovery! So many insights and epiphanies are waiting for you if you will just shift your awareness to the maic of this present moment.
There is a hum – a literal hum – of energy that forms the backdrop of this time / space reality. Most of the time, you tune it out. It is just beyond your awareness. But each time you become attuned to the present moment, you can hear this hum and sense its resonant vibration in every cell of your body. This is what it is to truly be alive; to feel that healing life-force energy coursing through your veins.
This is the creative power of the Universe at your fingertips, just waiting to be molded into the form of your choosing.