Most people on your planet are affected by imbalances in power and control. Maybe you are one who finds the need to control. Maybe you are one who finds himself / herself under the control of others. Most people play both roles, according to the nature of the relationship. Both the need to control and the willingness to be controlled is motivated by fear.
In the absence of fear, balance is restored. To overcome power dynamics associated with fear, you need to challenge the nature of fear itself. When you take the time to determine the roots of fear, you will find that the vast majority of fear is irrational. It’s all smoke and mirrors, pure fantasy based on speculation and conjuncture. This is because most fear pertains to an underlying misconception or un-manifested future event.
Fear that is not actionable is irrational. You can’t take action in the future. You can only take action in the present. If you are holding fear, ask yourself the question, “Is there anything I can do to alleviate the source of this fear?” If the answer is “Yes,” then take action. If the answer is “No”, the only logical option is to release the fear. There is simply no purpose for it.
Those who seek hierarchical control use fear as a weapon. They themselves often have deep-seated fears that fuel their need to control. In this case, the need to control stems from the underlying misconception that they are not worthy of love.
True leaders inspire fearlessness. Their primary goal is to make others feel safe. Rather than attempting to control others through fear, they lead through service, demonstrating character traits such as wisdom, valor, sacrifice and devotion.
A true leader is one who is willing to lay down his / her life for a cause. Conversely, one who seeks dominance through hierarchy control uses manipulation to pursue a personal agenda.
In family systems, a true leader subjugates his / her will to the needs of the family. They lead through service, without keeping score or expecting reciprocity. They love without condition, even the condition of being loved back.
Out of the profound depth of their love, a true leader exhibits sacrifice and valor, not power and control, thereby transforming families, communities and the planet.