Expand beyond the place of judgement. Expand beyond perceptions of lack and limitation. Expand beyond the feeling you’ve been wronged by anyone or anything. Expand into that place of inner knowing where all is well, all is as it should be, all is as it was ever meant to be.
You are safe. You are safe. You are safe.
Take shelter from the storm in the sweet stillness of your heart. From this place, the churning waves are mere ripples on the surface of the pond. The gales are just a gentle breeze caressing its surface. The storm will end. The clouds will part. The sun will return. And your anxiety will be replaced by joy and playfulness.
There is no need to suffer. in fact, when you return to this place of inner knowing, the storm will no longer frighten you. Instead, it will make you feel excited, energized, and alive.
There is no need to fear the storm, once you become part of it, harnessing its energy, drawing down its power. Accept the tools you are being given and use them to build a better world. Become a way-shower. Become a beacon in the darkness to others who may have temporarily lost their way in the storm.
Your gifts are needed, sweet child. Remember who you are. Remember why you came. Now is the time to wake up. Be awake in this body. Be alive inside your mind. This is not the time for sleeping. At this time you are being called to rise.