Your dance with me is like a friendship. In any human partnership, you become more and more confident in your interactions as you get to know each other better. In time, you are able to read cues, to understand nuances, to get each other’s subtle jokes.
Your interactions with me are the same. The more you show up to play, the more clearly you will recognize my voice. You will become more keenly aware of my gentle guidance. You will see the little love notes I leave for you in the beauty around you. You will experience surprise and delight as you see my hand in the serendipities, the mysterious coincidences that I have orchestrated on your behalf. You will feel the profound depth of my love for you. This will provide great power at the moment you feel worthy to command it.
Our divine union is so much more fulfilling than any human relationship. In fact, without this fully integrated union, your human relationships would simply be a reflection of your yearning for Mother love.
Only I can bathe you in the love you so deeply desire. Fill your cup at my well before you ever seek union or partnership with a human companion. And only choose human partners who have similarly filled their cup from my well.