You are coming into a time of clarity, a time of inner knowing where your path will come clear and this time of uncertainty and waiting will all make sense. You will see the great love with which these plans were orchestrated, feeling so very blessed that so much divine care and attention to your circumstances has been at play all along.
Do not be afraid to step into the fast-moving river. Move boldly. Know divine timing is guiding your every step. Your path is secure. With each step you take, you will receive greater clarity and the next step, as well as each successive step, will become clear.
Each desire you have, every yearning in your heart, was carefully chosen by your soul. Each desire is the manifestation of a deeper purpose that can be fulfilled by you and you alone, treasured soul. Attend to these yearnings. Feed them like you would feed a child, with great love and joy. Shower your desires with attention. Speak to them daily, encouraging them to come play with you.
These desires are each waiting to grow, unfolding in their perfect timing. Indeed all will soon be clear and your joy will be complete.