Be bold. Do not doubt your worthiness. Rise to your calling. Meet it boldly. Each person on this planet is called to greatness. But few choose to follow the path that greatness requires.
Though humility is required for the journey, doubting your own worth will prevent you from fulfilling your purpose. Be bold. Claim the divinity that is your birthright, a divine birthright your share with all human beings on this planet.
During no other time time in all of history has the way been made so easy. All your physical needs have been met – and not only met, but exceeded! Food in wild abundance has been provided. Your home is warm and lavish. Your bed is soft and comfortable. There are no predators to threaten you. Mothers and babies no longer die in childbirth. Dying before the age of 50 is considered a tragedy, not the norm.
What reason do you have, what excuse can you possibly provide, for not living up to your greatness? So few claim the greatness that is so easily within their reach. This is the reason for the epidemic of despair that plagues your country. Boldness is the remedy for that despair.
Note: These messages are received through daily meditation and are meant to be shared. I offer them here in love. If a particular message resonates with you, it’s because it was meant for you as much as it was meant for me.