Discipline vs. Surrender

Be gentle with yourself, precious child. Many well-meaning people put discipline rather than surrender at the heart of their spiritual practice. There is nothing wrong with discipline. Discipline is necessary to rouse the heart, body and mind from complacency. But when discipline becomes the central focus of your spiritual practice, it may lead to rigidity,…


Challenge is necessary. Struggle is not. Many people believe that challenge and struggle are synonymous. Your challenges need not be painful. Once you see that all of life is conspiring on your behalf, and that even your challenges are just blessings in disguise, you will approach each day with freshness, vitality and hope. Do you…


Divisiveness in your relationships, your family, and even your community are a reflection of division within yourself. There is the you that responds to life’s conditions and the you that witnesses these responses. The degree to which you bring these two parts of yourself into alignment is the degree to which you experience harmony, not…


Martyrdom and narcissism are two sides of the same coin. Both the martyr and the narcissist are dysfunctional archetypes arising from self-obsession, which is the complete identification with form. A martyr is one who denies herself in the service of others. Her identity is entirely formed by doing rather than being. The martyr believes that…

True Power Lies In Surrender

True power lies in surrender. Surrender to the love that is around you now. Do you realize how much effort you’ve been expending to keep the truth of that love away? All your struggle, all your pain, all your aching, your yearning for things which have not yet manifest, are keeping the truth of my…

Be Still

Anxiety in the face of uncertainty is normal and natural. In many ways, your world view has been deconstructed. This is a disorienting process, but one that is ripe with potential. You will naturally gravitate towards your old beliefs and thought patterns if you don’t provide space to just be in stillness. Be o.k. without…

The Value of Stillness

Feel into the sacredness of the space between movement and frenetic energy. In this stillness, your inspiration for new adventures are born. The stillness, as well as the movement, is sacred. Both are necessary for the beautiful unfolding of this magnificent life experience. You are drawn to movement. But stillness has played an equally formative…