
Each person on the planet is a resonance chamber, finely tuned to their own unique vibrational signature. The degree to which your life operates in harmony with this vibrational signature is the degree to which you feel relaxed, happy, peaceful and fulfilled. The extent to which your day to day resonance is in discord with…

Radical Kindness

Kindness is its own reward. An expression of kindness does not require reciprocation or even acknowledgement. Kindness seeks to express instead of impress. It is the outward manifestation of a heart that is already fully – having been fed by its own inner light. Kindness is never needy or grasping. It offers its riches freely,…

Identify Your Narratives

Let your loved ones know you cherish them. Take every opportunity to let them know your deep love for them. Surprise them with their favorite foods! There are many things you may incorrectly assume about those who are closest to you because your narratives have been reinforced, over and over. People have the tendency to…

The Need for Touch

You are meant to be touched. You are meant to be held. The sensation of touch, as well as all you perceive with your physical senses, is what sets you apart from all that exists in the realms of the non-physical. Touch is indeed one of the sensations you were most looking forward to experiencing…