Have faith, precious one. When you feel darkness, loneliness, despair, or just lack clarity, have faith that all is well. Events are unfolding precisely as they are meant to unfold. And our timing – both yours and mine – is perfect.
There is nothing that has been left undone. There are no words that have been left unspoken, no deeds that you’ve failed to accomplish, no adventures you’ve missed or mountains left unclimbed. All words, deeds, and adventures are simply waiting for their own perfect timing to unfold.
Relationships will be mended when they are meant to be restored, in just the perfect timing to deliver the message you are ready to receive. Teachers emerge at precisely the right moment to provide the lesson you are ready to learn. Stay open to love in its many forms. Recognize love in its many shades.
When asked, “What color is a sunset?” Many would reply, “Orange and yellow.” Yet susnsets include so many other spectrums of color; reds, pinks, purples, whites, turquoise, indigo, sapphire, violet…
Love is the same way. It’s not just romantic or platonic. It includes so many other hues – dashes of mother-love, father-love, child-love, sensuality, wildness, tenderness, sweetness, safety and warmth. Each relationship is a beautiful palette you use to paint the full spectrum of love.
Relationships become so simple and easy when you become skilled in painting with love. Whenever you are in doubt as to what color to use, ask the question, “What does kindness look like?” And paint with that color.
Offer grace to yourself and others in this magical, mystical unfolding of life. There is such sweetness in the blossoming of each union.